
Let’s Cancel Cancer

I've heard of you, 
I've even seen you in others,
but only from afar.
I never knew how cruel you could be.
I never knew what you were capable of,
Until that day!

That day you entered into our lives,
Like a tagger, you chased my aunt.
She even escaped death once ,
But you caught her!

You tortured her day and night, You took her ability to walk,
You brought her pain and ruined her sleep.
Because of you, she was in agony all night long.
You consumed her physically and mentally,
You slowly took everything away from her,
You destroyed our peace,
You sucked the sweetness out of our family.

You grew bigger year by year.
You spread your evil strength all over her.
While we helplessly tried to free her from you,
The same death, she once ran away from,
finally caught her!
Death took her with it.
You threw her away to death!

We lost her!
We failed her!
We failed to hold her stronger and closer to us.
You thought you won!
You thought death is her everlasting torture.
But no, you fool!
Even thou death snatched her away from us,
Death freed her from you!

No more painful nights,
No more guilt and agony,
No more fighting you for freedom,
No more fearing you!

You failed your task.
You can no more agonize her.
You are defeated!
You failed yourself!

You still torture many lives,
And push them to death.
But we'll soon stop you.
We'll defeat you once and for all.
We'll bring a forever end to you.
Your end is closing in, you evil cancer!

Pictures credit – Cancer. Net&Pexels



I can't move! 
I'm stuck inside a storm.
The storm of doom.
It'll soon end me!

Everything around me,
is breaking apart.
It's all ruin and chaos.
Nobody's here!
I wish,
my family and friends were here.
But now,
I'm all alone,
In this terrifying place.

The storm is hurting me!
The debris it brought with,
Are cutting me bloody.
I feel faint.
I'm all drained.
I need help!
Mom... Dad,
Help me please!

"Oh! Poor Child"
It's my family!
They're going to save me,
Indeed! Who else would?

They can't withstand the storm.
They're going away!
Further away! Away! Away!
Mom! Dad!
"Sorry child, only she can save you"
Who is 'She'?

I'm left to deal the dorm alone,
There's fire forming around me!
It's teaming up with the storm.
The heat is burning my soul.
Stop! Someone help me, please!

Where are my friends?
Help me please!
I hear voices! My friends!
The storm's throwing them away.
Where are they going? Guys!
"We're sorry, only she can save you"
'She' again?
Who is 'she'?

Now I'm really all alone.
There is no one to save me anymore.
The storm! The fire!
No! I can't end like this.
Who is that 'She'?
At least you help me, please!

"I am here"
It's so familiar!
Who does that voice belong to?
I can see someone, far away,
Fighting the burning storm,
Desperately trying to get to me,
To save me?
Even mom or dad didn't try this hard,
Not even my friends.
Who could that be?

It's 'She'!
She's coming towards me, to save me.
She is reaching out to me,
To hold me, to save me.
But the storm's brutal!
My blood's oozing out,
My vision's blurry,
This is my end!
I am done.

She got me!
The storm's moving away.
The fire just vanished.
She saved me!
Now I know,
why my family or my friends
Could not save me,
But she can.

'She' is me!


A friend in me…

Hey friend!
Just wanna...talk to you.
Do you remember how we first met?
Strangely,I don't!
Maybe you do! Do you?
I might not remember how we first met,
'Do we even have a first meet?' Anyway!
But i do remember some of our first times together.
'Was it really together? I guess so'
The first time going to school, 
Riding on a roller coaster,
Getting a big boo-boo,
Being betrayed by our own friends,
Nobody wanting us in their team,
Our parents leaving us,
Being accused for something we didn't do,
Being looked down for having different opinions,
Our struggles being neglected,
Being forced to stop from achieving new things.
I pretty much remember all those times vividly. 
I was just crying,panicking and loosing my mind.
I wished for;
Mamma to be with me forever,
Our friends to accept me,
To be wanted,
To be accepted by the society,
My struggles to be seen,
My opinions to not disgust anybody,
Me to be believed,
Not to be hated,
To be accepted!
But you! 
You didn't cry!
Didn't even long for anybody.
"You're not alone.I'm here for you.You got me! "
You always assured me.
You comforted me,gave me solace.
You held me together,
And helped me survive.
But did I acknowledge you? No!
You didn't hurt me or push me away,
But I pushed you away! Didn't I?
I knew I had my friend in you,
Yet I failed to hold onto you.
You were there with me all along. 
With me in everything I did,
At my highs and lows.
You were the only one,
Who knew the true me.
You never left me stranded.
You were always there for me.
But what did I do? 
Whenever I was happy,
I praised others.
Whenever I was sad,
I felt lonely.
Even when I had you all the time,
I longed for others, other friends!
In my thirst for others,
I was numbed from realising you!
I never truly valued you.
I always felt you,
Yet, I refused to embrace you.
It took me, 
Many betrayals and Insults,
Humiliations and pains,
To accept you,
Hold onto you,
Appreciate you,
Praise you and
Embrace you!
Now, holding onto you,
I can stop depending on others,
Stop wishing for others to accept me,
Stop waiting for others,
Stop longing for others and
Stop feeling lonely.
Because! I've got my friend in you!
We are stepping onto a new world.
A world without others,
A world without worrying about what they say,
A world we can freely explore,
A world where we can do what we love,
A world for us to be ourselves!
Now, finally I've accepted you. 
I'm holding onto you.
No more pleasing others,
No more longing for others and
No more loneliness.
Because!I've got my friend in you!
I have you!
You! My friend in me!
I have my friend in me!
I have me! Me!

Second child

Mom and i, were getting ready to go to my aunt’s house. Dad wasn’t home as he went to buy groceries. I had a sudden argument with mom, about my parents treating me unfair, compared to my elder brother.

“You think any mother would treat her kids differently? One fair and one unfair? Never! All kids are equal to a mother. I don’t know why you are talking rubbish” bursted my mom.

We left our home on bike (Keep it in mind that we won’t be home for two more days and that our refrigerator wasn’t working for the entire week). On our way, we stopped at the shop where my dad was buying groceries, to say ‘bye’ to him. He came out just then with a bag of groceries. He took out a huge family pack ice cream and asked my mom “he’ll eat it right?”, meaning their precious first son. ” Will he like this brand? Well, I got his favourite flavour (which is my favourite too, people! But yeah of course my dad wouldn’t know and that’s so NORMAL) so he’ll eat it anyway “he said with a huge smile.

Even if he bought it with a thought of me too, like I said before,we won’t be home for two whole days and our refrigerator wasn’t working! So th ice cream can’t wait for me. In addition to all these, my dad does know this all very well.

The entire time dad was speaking, I stood in between both my parents and starred at them each in disbelief, with an ‘I exist too! ‘ kind of expression. And my mom was making eye movements to my dad with an awkward smile, as if to say “We have two sons, remember! The youngest is right here! Come on, ask her too…! “

My dad, after a while, processing mom’s reaction in his brain……. “Oh! You want it too, right! “

Hence proved “UNFAIR! “


I wish…

I’m Aran, the youngest in my family. I have three brothers and one sister. I’m my whole family’s favourite little boy. I’ll be eleven in a month. My neighbours call me ‘The black moon’ as I’m tan but handsome.

I’m a little rebellious as I’m the most spoiled child. But still everybody loves me, that’s my charm! And I’m pretty aware of that. Everybody thinks i’m quit cheerful and a little too bright. They say they feel energetic whenever i’m around!

It’s almost the end of summer holidays. The school starts in a week! So i had planned on going to school to get my 6th grade books today. And I promised my neighbour about accompanying her to get food for her cattle.

But I didn’t go to school nor to get food for the cattle. Instead I went somewhere else! I went to the nearby river with five of my neighbourhood friends, who were all older than me. My parents and siblings didn’t wanted me to go. But I sneaked out on my cycle.

The river looked appealing! I was very excited to have fun in it. We didn’t go far in but stayed near the bank and played together. It was so refreshing.

One of my friends suggested to play ‘Control the breath’ game. It’s about who can control the breath longer under the water. We did three rounds. I wasn’t that good at the game but I had fun playing it.

The fourth time, I jumped a little bit and ducked under the water. Soon I realised that I was being pulled by the sand. It was quick sand! I jumped right on it. I tried to get out of it but I couldn’t! Instead it pulled me further in. I inhaled lots of water. I raised my hands above the surface, hoping my friends would save me. But they thought that I was goofing around as usual and just laughed. I drowned further in and my hands couldn’t reach the surface. I couldn’t breathe!. Half of my body was in the sand when they finally realised that something was wrong as I stayed under the water for too long. And then….

I died!

They tried to get help but no one came to help. They went home devastated but didn’t say anything to anyone. My family started to worry as i wasn’t back even after so many hours. So my mom sent my third brother to the house of one of my friends, with whom I went to the river. My brother was struck with horror when he found him home!

Then the truth came out! I was taken out of the water by some rescuers. My skin turned so pale. I’m no more ‘The black moon’.

My entire family, neighbours and friends are crying for me. My parents lost their favourite little boy forever! My siblings lost their annoying little brother forever!

I wish I went to the school! I wish I went with my neighbour to get food for her cattle! I wish I listened to my family! I wish I didn’t sneak out! Oh! How I wish I’m still… Alive!


Trust- Once damaged, never would be the same…

I always loved my aunt,Mila. I had a special respect for her. I loved being with her. I’ve been to her house several times since I was a baby. But i’ve never stayed there without my mom. I remember,once when I was seven, aunt Mila and uncle Rick came to our house like they usually does during summer holidays and took my sister, Elaina ,who was just two years older than me,with them while going back home. ‘Aunt didn’t take me with her! Why can’t I go with them too?!’ I cried so hard that my mom lost her temper trying to comfort me.

The 1st time I stayed at aunt Mila’s house without my mom, I was eight years old. My 10 and a half year old sister came with me too. I was very happy and proud. ‘Finally staying without mom! Finally they think I’m big enough!’ I thought to myself. I was excited to spend time with my aunt and her five month old little daughter, Mia.

I had fun with Mia and aunt Mila’s neighbours’ five year old daughter Fiona. The third evening, two sisters from the neighbourhood came to aunt Mila’s house to play with Mia. As the eldest was Elaina’s age and youngest, my age, we had fun with them. I and the youngest,went upstairs with a dog plushie and were playing with it when…

Eva! Come here! “ I heard aunt Mila call me… I went casually and asked her “What is it, aunt Mila?”.

“Why did you do that? I thought you’re a good girl but you’re not, huh! Why did you throw the sweets Fiona’s mom made, into the water? Those were for selling, what’ll she do now? Why did you do that, tell me now! “ My aunt yelled at me. My heart beat faster than ever. Some kind of emotion took over me.

I didn’t do it. That wasn’t me! ” I said in quivering voice.

Then who was it? Who was it if it weren’t you? “She asked harshly.

I don’t know. But it wasn’t me aunt Mila, i was upstairs all this time!” I tried to control the tears that stood ready to roll down, but I failed!

Don’t lie Eva! And don’t cry! It’s not gonna help. Fioana saw you throwing them into the water bucket. Kids don’t lie. I know it’s you, just accept your mistake. Why are you still trying to prove you’re innocence, when you’re clearly the one who did it?!”aunt Mila burst out into a fury.

“I’m really disappointed in you, Eva” She said and marched into the kitchen.

My chest felt so tight, I felt the urge to cry out loud but I didn’t wanted to cry! ‘Why should I cry when I did nothing wrong! ‘.

I couldn’t sleep that night. I kept thinking about the evening. “Why did aunt Mila accuse me? Why didn’t she trust me? Why didn’t she say ‘Eva wouldn’t have done that, I trust her’. She can trust Fiona but not me! I thought she loved me too. Did she not love me? Was all the love and hugs she show me fake? Why did aunt Mila do this to me? I trusted her! I won’t trust anybody anymore. They’ll all betray me like this. I shouldn’t have come here without mom. I shouldn’t have come here at all! I’ll never volunteer to come here again. Even if I have to come here again, i’m not coming without mom! I miss mom, I wanna go home” I cried silently not to let them know.

I wasn’t myself the next day. I longed to go home. I was so happy when my mom finally came to take us home. I felt relieved once I got home.

Even after all these years, that incident and how I felt over it, is still engraved in my heart. I still go to aunt Mila’s house, and Mia’s like a best little friend to me. But the trust and view I had of her once, is never the same anymore.


Tommy, the trouble maker!

There were days when my dog, Tommy would bite anything and everything! Some times he would destroy some really important stuffs, and would get a good scolding. He will pretend to be guilty, showing his sparkling puppy eyes and try to convince us by acting cute and clingy.

One day, when I was in my 8th grade, I left my report card on the bed and went to the kitchen for a minute. I came back and saw Tommy, jumping and dancing on my bed.‘what is he doing? Probably gone crazy again’ I thought to myself while walking towards the bed to get him off. I went near and saw bits of pink papers on the bed. ‘My report card!’

I got scolded by my mom for being a careless stupid. I was mad at Tommy for making this mess, so I yelled at him. But… It was, my fault for being so careless and leaving it just like that on the bed, tempting him to play ‘Demolish the target’ game, wasn’t it?It wasn’t entirely his fault but still he apologized through his eyes and acted cute and clingy. So i made up with him but warned him not to make any trouble again. But yeah, I do know he’ll never stop making troubles…

The next day, I was embarrassed in front of my whole class when my teacher, who got really mad when I showed her my report card in bits, made me show it to the entire class and made fun of it sarcastically!

Then I accompanied her to the staff’s room to help her fill my new report card, where she told all the other staff about my report card and gave them a good laugh. Then I helped her fill the new report card. Well, honestly speaking, I wasn’t much of a help. She did everything herself while I just stood there blinking my eyes.

Even though it was a little embarrassing at that time, it’s now one of my most favourite memories! Tommy sure knows how to add up some extra spice to my already fun life!

“Woof! Woof! “ Tommy wishes you a very good day 😉


It’s Now!

I’m a ten year old boy, Mason. My mom and dad loved mountain climbing. On one of their climb, they got stuck in a snow storm for 2 days and came back home very sick. They died after a couple of days struggling for life in the hospital. I was just three. My granny took care of me for a year after their death. Then she too died of age. But before she died, she left me with my mad uncle, Frank. He’s a little off at head. He lived with a family in the neighbouring city. I still don’t know why he lived with some strangers instead of us! He came back to us just a month before granny’s death.

I was scared of him for a whole year. But eventually I got used to him.well he’s not that bad. He takes care of me in his own clumsy ways. He loves me and I love him. But he never goes out of the house! Literally NEVER! Not even to our front porch! Our relations don’t want us in their house. But they do help us with stuffs. And as for money, my parents have left enough for a lot more years to come.

I was always curious about how and when uncle Frank become mad. Maybe he’s like this ever since his birth! At times, he looks weirdly at me. It was scary at first, but now it became normal. He always goes frantic when watching anything about crime. It’s a very hard job to calm him down after that. ‘Maybe he went through something really bad in the past! Maybe that something is what made him mad!

One of my friends is Mike. He always hated my uncle. I never knew why. But I didn’t even care to ask him, as I was so mad at him for hating uncle Frank. He always frowned hearing uncle Frank’s name.

But a week ago I asked him, ‘why’! He hesitated at first. But then he told me, “Seven years ago, before coming back to your home, your uncle killed the family he lived with. He killed the three of them, including their little girl. He was in prison for two years. He pretended to be so kind and innocent while in there. He even cried for the dead ones. The court concluded that he might had been on drugs when he killed them and that, his madness or evilness didn’t cause it. After making sure he don’t do drugs again, they released him. And then he came to your house”.

I couldn’t believe him. I thought he was making up the story as he hated my uncle. “Why would my granny leave me with him if he’s really a killer? You liar! Stop making up fake stories just because you hate him! “ I yelled at him.

” I don’t know why your granny left you with him. Maybe because he’s still her son! Maybe she believed he won’t do it to his own family! Maybe she too believed what the court believed! I’m not making up stuffs. My dad was the police who handled the case. Your uncle’s a killer! Got it! “he yelled back.

I still didn’t believe him. But then the next day…. he showed me the pictures of uncle Frank in prison. He showed me the news paper cuttings about the murder, which I didn’t get to read as my brain couldn’t take anything in at that moment. He even showed me the video of uncle Frank, covered in crimson, standing in front of the house with a blood dripping knife in his hand, laughing like an evil!

‘Am I seeing it right? It’s really uncle Frank! Is he really a killer?’ I asked myself.

I went home hesitantly. The thought of uncle Frank gave me chills. I opened the door slowly. He was standing right in front of the door. He does it everyday, but after knowing the truth, it felt like he might kill me anytime. He came towards me….. gave a big innocent smile and hugged me, as usual. “Ooh! you back” he said giggling innocently. ‘Maybe he’s different now. He might had been on drugs like they said. But he don’t do drugs now. I’ve been living with him for seven whole years! If he wants to kill me, he could’ve did that anytime before now. But he didn’t! Why would granny leave me with him if she wasn’t sure he won’t kill me! It was in the past anyway. He is a new human now. He loves me! I shouldn’t doubt him. I should be as usual. I should act normal” I told myself and hugged him back, to which he gave a happy squeal.

Everything’s going fine. He is the same clumsy but lovable uncle Frank. But I can see bit of a change in him…..

Uncle Frank is a whole new human now! He is no more mad! For the past three days, he is completely normal. He talks like a normal man, walks like a normal man, behaves like a normal man! I’m excited for our normal family life. You know what! He even got out of our house! He went somewhere an hour ago, wearing a worn out white t-shirt and navy blue backpack, which had ‘It’s Now!’printed on it. Yeah, our new life begins now!

He didn’t say where he’s off to, but I hope he don’t run away leaving me behind. Just kidding, haha. I know uncle Frank won’t do that.

Mike just called me…“Hey Mason! What do you think about the video? Your uncle…. “

“Mike! Could you please stop saying weird stuffs about my uncle! He’s not the ‘Past him’ anymore. He’s a new human now! “

“Seems like you didn’t see my message from last night. Whatever, but I just want to tell you what I heard! Can I? “

“Ok, go on. Tell me what you heard. Just what you heard! No shit talks about my uncle, got it? “

“Well, yesterday I heard from my dad that, days before the murder, your uncle acted so normal! His madness cleared off and he became a totally normal man. The family was so happy that they even told their neighbours about it. You know what, Mason! That family weren’t any strangers! It was his brother’s family. I suppose you never knew you had another uncle, right!

Well… So, an hour before the murder, their neighbour from next door saw your uncle going out, wearing a white t-shirt and a blue bag with the words ‘It’s Now!’ printed on it. He was so surprised to see him go out for the first time in, like forever!

An hour later, he heard screams from their house and rushed out to his front yard. From there,he saw your uncle coming out of the house, covered in blood, laughing devilishly with the bloody knife in his hand. He even accepted his crime himself,though he never revealed the reason for his doing. I sent you the proof video yesterday but it looks like you entirely ignored it! I know you won’t believe me, the video or anything but just be careful Mason, please! Listen, just call me Or come to us anytime if you see any change in your unclr Fra… “

“Mason! My dear boy. Uncle’s back home... “

“Is that your Uncle? He sounds normal tho. Back home? What does that mean? He went out?! Oh no! Mason you’re in danger! Mason! Mason? Hello! Mason!!… “

“Oh, shit! “ – Mason

— The End—